The Gospel in one verse

“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” (2 Cor. 5:21 NLT)

The above passage is the gospel (good news) stated very simply and clearly in only one verse. Let’s look at and define the verse a few words at a time: 

  • FOR GOD - The Father, creator, maker, ruler of the universe, and the source of all moral authority

  • MADE – caused, compelled, assigned, appointed

  • CHRIST – Jesus the Messiah, the chosen one, the anointed  one, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords.


  • WHO NEVER SINNED – a man of pure and perfect nature, untouched by sin.

  • TO BE THE OFFERING – to be the acceptable gift sufficient to pay the total cost  

  • FOR OUR SIN – for our transgression against God’s moral laws which have separated us from Him.

  • SO THAT WE COULD BE MADE RIGHT – so that we could be made righteous, blameless, and irreproachable in God’s sight

  • WITH GOD THROUGH CHRIST – and have peace with God through what Jesus has done.