God’s Word brings life and health to the whole body!

“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” (Prov. 4:20-22 NIV)

A doctor’s report

·      Sometimes a doctor will give a negative report, but that does not mean it has to be the definitive answer! God's Word is immensely powerful, and He sent it to heal and rescue! I recently heard the testimony of a woman who had been diagnosed with fast-acting, incurable cancer and was sent home to die. She decided, however, not to accept the doctor’s death prognosis but rather to believe God’s promises in His Word. So, she did four important things.

·      First, she looked up every verse in the Bible she could find about healing.

·      Secondly, she wrote them down.

·      Thirdly, she posted them all around her house, on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, and on her walls, so the verses were constantly before her eyes.

·      Fourthly, whenever she was near a verse, she quoted it out loud, personalizing it. For instance, she said, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.” (Psalm 118:17). And “With long life you will satisfy me and show me your salvation.” (Psalm 91:16), and “Behold, you bring to me health and healing in abundance.” (Jer. 33:6). At first, she didn’t feel any better, but she did not get any worse as the days went by. She continued her new routine everyday, and after some time, she noticed she was feeling better. She continued to grow stronger and healthier day by day, until finally, her doctor could no longer find any trace of the cancer in her body. She had gotten completely well!

The scripture passage at top says to do four things...

1)    Pay attention to what God’s Word says

2)    Listen to the Word of God

3)    Keep God’s Word before your eyes

4)    Keep God’s Word in your heart

And, the following two things will result…

5)    God’s Word gives life to you

6)    God’s Word gives health to your whole body

God’s Word heals and rescues

“He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” (Psalm 107:20 NIV)