Posts tagged tracts
Be ready to preach the Word with gospel tracts

“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” (Psalm 68:11 KJV)

What are gospel tracts?

The dictionary defines a tract as “a piece of writing expressing a strong belief, usually about religion or politics.” Therefore, gospel tracts are pieces of writing expressing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fulfilling God’s command to “preach the Word” 

We’re commanded in 2 Timothy 4:2 to be ready to “preach the Word” at all times. People usually think of preaching as a spoken sermon, but there are many preaching methods. One way to “preach the Word” is through the use of gospel tracts which is the gospel message in written form usually on a small piece of paper or a pamphlet or booklet. I found one of them in a glove compartment while out partying with some friends over 50 years ago. We had stopped at a liquor store to get some beer. While my friends were in the store I rustled through their glove compartment for some matches to light a cigarette. I didn’t find matches, but I did find a small booklet with the title on front that said, “This Was Your Life!” It explained how Jesus had died on the cross for my sins and how I could pray and receive Him as my personal savior. I prayed that prayer and instantly my life was changed! I don’t know how that booklet got into my friend’s glove compartment (he wasn’t a Christian) but I’m glad it had been put there, because God used it to bring me to Jesus Christ. 

Where to get gospel tracts

  • Chick publications: 

  • Good News Tracts / American Tract Society:

  • Gospel tract: “People Can Be Recycled, Too!” Below is link to a gospel tract I put together for the automotive recycling industry which I had worked in for many years in a business capacity. It’s called, “People Can Be Recycled, Too!” Many thousands of them have been printed and distributed broadly. Many automotive recycler companies include one in every product shipment. Even though created with auto recyclers in mind, they are used by many others who like the concept of people being “recycled to a new purpose” by Jesus. The digital version can be easily shared with anyone electronically. Feel free to share the link!


“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9 ESV)